Turkey’s citizenship by investment

Turkey citizenship by investment

Turkey citizenship by investment is one of the popular methods that has been used frequently in recent years. Anyone who wants to become a citizen of Turkey can get citizenship if they invest more than a certain amount. Of course, people who want to become citizens should not have an existing contagious and dangerous disease and should not have a criminal record. After meeting these conditions, everyone can become a citizen of Turkey when the necessary investment is made. The minimum investment limit for Turkish citizenship by investment is $400,000. [expand title=”Read More”]

investment in turkey

sale villa in turkey

It makes more sense to invest 400 thousand dollars in the real estate sector in general. Houses in Turkey are valued faster than in the whole world. Because the demand is increasing gradually, in this case, it increases the value of the houses. It has increased almost 100% in the last 2-3 years, even in dollar terms, offering homeowners the opportunity to make a very profitable investment. If you want the citizenship of a place like Turkey, which is rich in culture and history, you can easily get citizenship by making the necessary investment. Of course, you will also need a professional lawyer for this situation; With professional lawyers, the process is both much healthier and more accurate.

Turkish citizenship has some advantages. Turkish citizens can travel to 111 countries without a visa or by obtaining a visa at the door. You also have a privileged passport. You can benefit from these advantages after obtaining Turkish citizenship.

Izmir Estate

As Izmir estate, we carry out this whole process for you in the healthiest way possible. For many years, we have provided this service for countless people. We are with you in this process with our legal and professional lawyers. If you have any questions or requests regarding this matter, you can reach us immediately via the form or via whatsapp!  [/expand]

How many people obtained Turkish citizenship through real estate investment in the past years?

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Foreigners who invest in real estate in Turkey can obtain Turkish citizenship. Between January 2017 and June 2021, 17,968 foreigners acquired Turkish citizenship by purchasing real estate. As of January 2017, foreigners in Turkey can acquire citizenship by purchasing a certain amount of real estate. According to the report prepared with the data of the […]

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Investing in Turkey

Investing in Turkey: Top 5 Sectors for Investors

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Three Years Holding Commitment

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You have to annotate a commitment in the title deed office  that you are not going to sell the real estate(s) for three years after the real estate transfer process. Three years holding commitment may be annotated either at the same time with the title deed transfer or after the title deed transfer. If you are buying […]

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Turkish Citizenship Opportunities by Buying Villas

By in Buyer guide with 0 Comments

Turkish citizenship has become very attractive in recent years. In 2018, the minimum required investment was reduced.Furthermore, the whole Turkish citizenship process lasts just approximately 2-3 months. The main applicant may include their spouse, dependent children below the age of 18, and children of any age who are living with disabilities in their application.   […]

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