Izmir Estate has the most comprehensive database of high-quality real estate in various regions of Turkey. On our web-site you can get detailed information about any property or leave a request for the selection of real estate. real estate in turkey izmir
After receiving a request, we will contact you in the shortest possible time, to more accurately determine your preferences, and then offer you the best properties suiting specifically your request. Assistance in this will be provided by our experts, who did not just heard some time in the past about Turkey, but who lived, and still live and work here for already many years. We will provide you with complete information about the region, real estate, features of the property, adjacent areas and the infrastructure and landscaping of the district.
We will select for you an apartment, villa, office or commercial space for owning or renting in any region of Turkey.
Izmir Estate will provide you with the most detailed information on any residential property:
- Layout, area and location as per cardinal points;
- The availability of built-in household appliances and furniture;
- The availability and types of pools (outdoor, indoor and a separate one for children);
- The availability in a complex of a spa, sauna and fitness room;
- Proximity to the sea and beaches, the availability of the service of transportation to the beaches;
- District’s infrastructure and landscaping: proximity to shopping centers, the presence of well-kept parks, children’s playgrounds and sports grounds, the availability of schools and kindergartens;
- Monthly maintenance cost.
For those who look for a land lot, we will advise as follows:
- Area and purpose of the lot;
- Ratio and number of storeys of the development;
- Location and transport accessibility;
- Investment potential.
On commercial real estate, we will advise as follows:
- Area of the property and infrastructure of the building;
- Purpose and use options;
- Profitability and cost effectiveness;
- Availability of actual and potential tenants.
real estate in turkey izmir