A Guide to Address Registration in Turkey

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In the last decade, Turkey has significantly digitized its governmental procedures, including the crucial process of address registration for both Turkish citizens and foreign residents. The introduction of the Address-Based Population Registration System (Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi) in 2006, now known simply as the Population Registration System (AKS), streamlined how address information is maintained. Foreigners with residence or work permits must register their Turkey address within 20 working days of arrival or any subsequent move, under this system. Failure to comply results in fines and complications in renewing permits. This digital leap demonstrates Turkey’s effort to efficiently manage its population data and ensure access to essential services for all residents.

Importance of Address Registration in Turkey

Address registration in Turkey is not just a bureaucratic requirement but a fundamental aspect of establishing legal residency, crucial for both Turkish citizens and foreigners living in the country. This process, mandated by Turkish law, ensures that all residents are accounted for within the Population Registration System (AKS), reinforcing the government’s capacity to provide essential services and maintain public order.

By registering, residents can utilize healthcare, enroll in education, set up utilities, and manage banking easily, while simplifying transactions with both government and private sectors. It’s crucial to update your Turkey address in the AKS if you move, ensuring continuous access to these services. Moreover, accurately maintaining your registration is vital for foreigners, as failure to do so can complicate the renewal of residence or work permits, risking legal status in the country. Therefore, keeping your address registration current is key to a seamless and legally compliant life in Turkey.

Required Documents for Address Registration

To register your address in Turkey, ensure you have the following documents, regardless of your housing situation. This streamlined list simplifies the process for everyone, from tenants to homeowners.

1. Residence Permit Card (and its photocopy, both sides)

2. Passport (and a photocopy of the ID page)

3. Housing Documents (Applicable to All Types of Accommodation):

1. Notarized Rental Contract:

You need the original rental contract and a photocopy, both of which must be notarized. To make your rental contract notarized you should visit the Notary office in your neighborhood.

2. Utility Bill:

You should have a utility bill in your name. If utility bills (such as water, gas, or electricity) are to remain in the homeowner’s name, the contract must explicitly state that the tenant is responsible for these payments. This clarity ensures no confusion regarding financial obligations related to utility services.

If the utility bills are in the homeowner’s name but the rental contract does not specify who is responsible for payment, you must obtain a notarized commitment letter (Taahhütname). This document must detail that the tenant will cover the utility payments, clearly outlining the agreement between the tenant and homeowner.

3. Official Deed (Tapu) or DASK (Mandatory Earthquake Insurance):

This document is necessary for newly occupied properties and where no previous address registration exists.

DASK insurance provides coverage in case of earthquake damage, a requirement for all dwellings in Turkey. The official deed (Tapu) serves as proof of ownership or legal occupancy.

4. Shared Payments Document:

For Complexes with Shared Utilities, you must present a document from the site management that explains the shared payment arrangement, accompanied by a recent payment receipt to prove compliance.

If direct utility bills are not in your name due to shared services, establishing an internet subscription under your name and presenting this bill can serve as proof of residence.

5. Commitment Letter (Taahhütname) for Non-Contracted Residents:

If you’re living in a flat without being named on the rental contract, you need a commitment letter from either the tenant listed on the contract or the property owner.

The person providing the commitment letter should have a stable income or employment, verified by a bank statement. They must also have a registered address in Turkey and be capable of obtaining the required documents.

Additional Notes:

Ensure clarity in the rental contract regarding the handling of utility bills to avoid the need for additional documentation.
If the process involves multiple tenants or occupants, coordinate to attend the registration together if required, or prepare to make a second visit.
For homeowners, if the property certificate (tapu) lacks detailed address information, a numartaj belgesi is necessary.


How to Register Your Address: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Locate the Appropriate Immigration Office

Foreign residents must visit their local immigration office (Göç İdaresi) for address registration, which differs from the Nüfus Müdürlüğü used by Turkish citizens. To find the immigration office designated for your district, especially in larger cities like Istanbul where several offices exist, you can visit the official Nufus website, pick your city and district, and then it directs you to the location. This ensures you head to the right place for your Turkey address registration needs.

Step 2: Prepare the Required Documents

Gather all necessary documents as detailed previously, including both originals and photocopies. It’s important to bring everything with you to avoid multiple trips. However, be prepared for unforeseeable requests for additional documents based on your specific situation or changes in procedural requirements.

Step 3: Complete the Address Registration Form

Upon your visit, you will be provided with an Address Registration Form (Adres Bildirimi Formu). Fill out this form meticulously to ensure all information is accurate and complete. This form is your primary document for registering your new Turkey address, so it’s crucial to double-check all details.

Step 4: Submit Your Documents and Form

Hand in your completed form along with all required documents to the office staff. During this process, be ready to answer questions regarding your address in Turkey and residency status, which are standard parts of verifying and completing your registration.

Step 5: Check Your Registration Status on e-Devlet

After submitting your documents and form, you can monitor the status of your address registration through Turkey’s e-government platform, e-Devlet. This tool is invaluable for keeping track of your registration progress and accessing a wide range of other governmental services online. Checking your status on e-Devlet ensures you’re fully registered and in compliance with Turkish residency regulations.



Address registration is a fundamental requirement for foreigners residing in Turkey, whether for work, study, or other purposes. It forms the basis of your legal residency, enabling access to essential services and ensuring compliance with Turkish laws. The process, while it may seem daunting at first, is straightforward and manageable, especially when you understand the steps involved and have the necessary documents prepared.

By following the detailed guide provided, from locating the correct immigration office to utilizing the e-Devlet platform for verification, you can ensure that your address registration is completed efficiently and accurately. This not only secures your legal standing in Turkey but also facilitates a smoother integration into daily life, granting you access to healthcare, education, and banking services.

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